Hi all!

I hope you enjoyed a Happy Labor-FREE Day. I know we sure did. Two parties in one day. This family hasn’t seen that much excitement in a while. I’m tired! For real. 🙂

I did miss working on my current project today, as it was the first perfect weather day after a long week of serious humidity and a few days of rain. High humidity=No Painting Outside. Boo! So, hopefully it is back to happy painting again tomorrow.

Speaking of painting, here’s a sneak peek of the new color for the buffet. I finally decided! Woohoo! It’s by Valspar and the finish is Super Flat, Paint and Primer in One with a similar chalk like finish so I hear, so I was willing to give it a whirl. So far I love the finish! I did actually pre-prime it with Kilz because I just like to make sure to seal in the stain underneath. Sometimes it can alter the color even with the primer mixed in with the paint. Plus there’s something about just coating a piece in white first and you can just look at it with fresh eyes – kind of like starting with a clean slate so to speak and I rather waste several coats of primer to ensure proper sealing than on expensive paint. Nobody wants pink mixed with their gray – EEK!

Paint Color Selection & Finish:


I ended up choosing Sable Evening as the color. A very dark charcoal gray. Absolutely beautiful. The perfect color to go with just about any other color. I’m so excited to see the final product, oh wait, I mean for all of you to see the final product. Originally, I was going with a solid finish but after painting and sanding and just living with it, well, I felt like it was screaming to have more of that aged look. While in the course of refinishing and sanding my arm off, I decided if I’m going to do this as a side business, well I needed to starting adding to my tool arsenal.

I LOVE my new tool!

After reading a detailed and extremely helpful review on the pros and cons of 10 Random Orbital Sanders that were put to the test on the Popular Mechanics Website I had a pretty good idea what I was looking for. Than I suddenly remembered I had just come across a Labor Day Special for one of the 10 at an awesome price of just $39 at Ace Hardware. That was a no brainer!  I ended up going with the DeWalt D26451 Random Orbital  Sander and I have to say I love it! Talk about the stars lining up!  Granted I would have loved to have a belt sander as it is much more time efficient but in due time. You have to start somewhere, right?

Besides, it is also a good middle ground tool in between a belt sander and an orbital sander. It does take a little more time but I have zero complaints. It is totally smooth and has a lot of control and zero dust. Would highly recommend it. No, I’m not getting paid by DeWalt either. I am just sharing the tools I use and love with you guys just because I love you all. 🙂


So, if you too are just starting out or in need of one for a home project and you end up going to the store to price them out and you find yourself staring at a slew of semi-intimidating  tools with varying prices and like me almost start to develop a slight panic attack, well first BREATHE. See, weren’t you having a moment of panic right along with me. Phfew! That was intense! Good news, I can help you. Well, Popular Mechanics can help you. I did the hard work for you, I googled and this is what I came across and boy did it renew my confidence quickly. This Popular Mechanics article helped me know the difference of what I would be getting with each type and what purpose they served. Again thank you Popular Mechanics, I may just have to subscribe to you! 🙂 Clearly they knew I wasn’t the only confused individual out there. Hah! Even the gentlemen next to me seemed to be confused as they were arguing about which was better. How silly of them 🙂

So, I hope that arms you with some good info, if not at the very at least I hope you enjoy my humorous take on my little adventures.

See you soon,
