I don’t know about you all, but I function way better when everything has a special place for it to go. This is definitely a process too because sometimes as you sit with things you figure out where they might better be placed. You find different ways of storing them and sometimes you even find different ways of decorating those storage “things”.

So, today I thought I’d show you a little idea I had for storing my daughters collection of hair accessories ( which we don’t currently use as she refuses to let me put anything in her hair at this phase) which I will keep around for a soon, hopefully not later time.

Make Your Own Keepsake Box for $20 or less

keepsake box

In its new place with the other accessories!

You can start off by picking out one of those plain wooden boxes that you can find at your local craft store. Don’t forget your coupon! 🙂

What You Will Need:

Regular paint brush for base coat (Optional) You could obviously use spray paint or a small acrylic flat brush as well for such a small project.

Small acrylic flat brush for second coat touch ups.

Small thin acrylic brush for touch ups around stencil area.

Stencil Brush : I prefer the actual brush, not the cheap foam ones because they over-soak and then cause more bleeding. Just a personal preference. Maybe you guys have had better luck with those. So, to each their own.

Paint samples or extra paint of choice.

Stencil – I ended up using a quilting stencil because I loved the pattern on it.

This was the before – sad right?

plain white keepsake box

Time to get a paintin’! My box dried within 10 minutes or less. I did a second coat and touch ups with a small flat acrylic brush.

For this project I went with Valspar Satin Sanora Rose paint sample that I scored on clearance for just $2! It was the perfect match for an ottoman I had picked up last year at Target on Clearance which was clearly a double bonus. Perhaps you notice a theme – I’m all about CLEARANCE! 🙂 This was for the base coat. For the stenciled part I went with Behr Topiar Mint.

Valspar Satin Sanora Rose

Valspar Satin Sanora Rose

Next, start a stenciling. I just placed the stencil in the center on the top and just filled in the stencil on top and bottom areas thereafter.


After the paint dries, just went back with the contrast paint and/or base paint and did touch ups where I needed around the stencil area. I used a super small brush for this. I actually found a much thinner one that I didn’t take a pic of (sorry) and used that and it worked even better. You definitely need a steady hand but a thin brush helps a ton as it’s much more forgiving.

touch ups

Let it dry and voila! All done!

Finished Stenciled and Painted Keepsake Box

Finished Painted and Stenciled Keepsake Box

Here she is all pretty with her companion accessories.

close up

Amongst Friends!

Even a nursery needs accessories. How cute is this little keepsake box. Now it serves a dual purpose, it’s not only essential for organizing all her little hair stuff, but it adds a nice accent and pop of color to her dresser as well.

This project was done in less than an hour during nap time! 🙂

Hope you feel ready to tackle your own little keepsake box.

Happy Creating!
